• Edsun.com

    Fixing Data Interoperability


    Educational Solutions Unified Network

  • Google ClassRoom

    • Sync EdFi data with Google classroom
    • View Google Classroom from the Visual Dashboard
    • Google Forms, drive, assignments, grade book, Tracks

    Google Data Interoperability

    google classroom


    Optimize Education

    • Student requests
    • Class size
    • Early warning
    • Chronic absenteeism

    With Data Interoperability

  • District Portal

    • Insights
    • Assessments
    • Google LMS
    • Visual Dashboard

    Google Data Interoperability


  • Mobile App

    Linked to EdFi and Google Classroom data

    Mobile Data Interoperability

  • Fixing Data Interoperability

    By integrating complex big data systems

    Big data integration

Ed-FI SIS View

One of the school view points is very similar to looking directly at the schools’ SIS format.  As this format is what most schools understand, it makes sense to have a layout that is similar to an SIS layout. Being able to see the data in a familiar format and structure makes it easy for verification, adoption, and new implementations.

As a screenshot shows, from the Ed-Fi data you can see the full master Scheduler from the SIS Scheduler view. It is great that student conflicts are also being displayed.

Grand Bend High should be familiar to many of the Ed-Fi uses, as this is part of the sample Ed-Fi ODS.
