Ed-FI ODS Health check
This is an important module because a healthy database reflects healthy information.
To know how accurate the Ed-Fi ODS databases is:
- Are there any possible errors?
- Are there any table misalignments?
- Are the errors serious or just warnings?
- Are there possible errors that can lead to incorrect data and decision making?
This module runs different reports and short lists any possible misalignments, issues and duplication.
Data integrity is very important if there are errors with students’ assessments, and chronic absenteeism can be shown as incorrect, resulting in mistakes in decision making.
As another feature, the database and table sizes are directly viewable.

What is Edfi ODS?
Edfi operational data store (ODS) or Edfi ODS functions as a central database that brings data from various systems together. It helps to host and exchange the K-12 instructional system data and leverage it for decision-making. The Edfi ODS provides current, clean data from multiple sources in a centralized location so that the school leaders can build a holistic perspective on educational processes.
The up-to-date, real-time, and analysis-ready data supports a school's learning goals. The Ed-Fi ODS / API helps seamlessly and cost-effectively connect and maintain systems in the education IT infrastructure and turn the raw data into actionable information.
The Ed-Fi data standard is built on a Unifying Data Model (UDM). It identifies the various stakeholders in the standard and helps exchange, share, and analyze K–12 education data. The API supports transactional data loading processes and enables client applications to remain connected in near real-time. The API uses JSON to exchange real-time and transactional data.
The Ed-Fi ODS / API offers a simple, cost-effective way to help multiple systems share the information seamlessly, actionable manner. The Edfi data standard helps to control and optimize the entire data lifecycle, from its creation to end-use. It thus aims to modernize the education IT infrastructure and enable the administrators and educators to take a data-driven and open-source approach to education.